Monday, October 14, 2013

< A short story based on my real experience > : "WHO IS A FINAL ARCHITECT OF LIFE??"

Once while crossing the road, I saw some little two or three children playing on footpath. I felt something strange but surely special in my heart just because even I didn't know that I would come to get something very true to understand in my life.

I saw one of the boy who was quite active and looking more enthusiastic in playing at that moment. I called him. I asked him “what is your name beta?” He replied with pure original gentle smile on his face silently without words though there was no home there just a kind of footpath home was there, he ran away to his parents sitting besides those playing children. And he gave a hug to his mother. Just seeing this, what did I realize with BIG TEAR in my heart??

But still he was standing just might to know something from me!!

I passed away from there.

And while going, immediately I asked myself….

How could that family be happy even though there was no home just by making home-like on footpath??!!
How could that child laugh and smile without worries of his future even???
How could that little boy come to be free from all happenings of life at that moment??
How was that innocence being coming out throughout that soul having nothing in this so called something world??

Only this incidence taught me to teach and to reach to myself to be happy with satisfaction and to be smiling in any worst situations of life!!
Now you also can ask yourself ‘Who is a final architect of life?’
Got the answer??

Of course : ME & MY SOUL !!

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